As technology advances, we must constantly acquire new skills and absorb information at a faster pace. To help cope with our rapidly-evolving environments, we build training methods that radically shift from the standard one-size-fits-all solution to an individualized, self-paced, and adaptive personalized curriculum. We recognize that individuals who continually learn must have training that can shift to service the changing needs of the student.
We employ technologies such as biofeedback, and mobile gaming to keep our users engaged and invested in their own training. Using established models of human performance, we can personalize and optimize training in order to maximize success through measurement, prediction, and visualization of training outcomes. Our adaptive coach provides tailored feedback and suggestions to explore the curriculum and accelerate learning.
Unique Technical Approach
Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Games
Mobile Learning Platform
Bayesian Human
Performance Templates
Individualized Feedback Using Summary Displays